Why Zenger?

Content is king. Zenger delivers a daily news feed on a subscription basis – giving news outlets fresh, engaging content while helping independent reporters reach a wider world.

You’ll be in good company

The Miami Herald partner

For journalists

You know how to find a scoop and bang out clean copy, but you don’t have connections at major news outlets and hate waiting months to get paid. Zenger can help! We distribute to hundreds of major newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, and digital news operations. Write for us and we can put it under the noses of hundreds of editors. Also, we pay electronically and fast – usually within 5 business days.

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Get Noticed

Your articles and byline will be offered to outlets including Forbes, The Daily Mail, The New York Post, The Miami Herald, The Sacramento Bee, The Kansas City Star, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and hundreds more.

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Rapid Payment

Zenger pays you electronically within three business days - the industry average is 75 days - in U.S. dollars. No more waiting on paper checks, postal services, or billing cycles.

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Easy Pitching and Editing

Pitch using our form, not email — and use our proprietary technology to edit stories quickly and painlessly.

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Join Our Growing Team

Pitch using our form, not email — and use our proprietary technology to edit stories quickly and painlessly.